
1 Banten port is called Ciwandan
2 Ciwandan port position: 06-01-03 South / 105-57-04 East
3 Anchorage position: 06-00-00 South / 105-57-00 East
4 Depth channel: -15m LWS
5 Depth basin: -7m to – 15m LWS
6 Max. Draft permissible: 12 m
7 Max . LOA permissible: 200 m
8 Length of wharf: Total 669 m with detail of wharf as follows:
-Wharf no.1 (conventional) = 182m   length / 18m wide  / -10m lws
-Wharf no.2 (coal wharf1) =  87m   length / 15.5m wide/  -7m lws
-Wharf no.3 (coal wharf2) =  93m   length / 19m wide  /  -7m lws
-Wharf no.4 (liquid bulk)  =  56m   length / 10m wide  /  -9m lws
-Wharf no.5 (multipurpose) = 202.5m length / 32m wide  / -15m lws
-Wharf no.6 (beaching) =  10m   length / 25m wide  /  -7m lws
-Wharf no.7 (coal wharf3)  =  38m   length / 19m wide  /  -7m lws
9 Communication to pilot station: VHF radio channel 12 or 16
10 Pilotage and tuggage are compulsory
11 Berthing/un-berthing 24 hours subject to sea and weather conditions